Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hidden in Plain Sight...

     I have lived in the small, rural community of Claiborne Parish my whole life… all 56 years… except for a couple of rebellious years when I was in college and first married. So can someone tell me why I have never noticed the plethora of creative activities that are found right here under my nose in the midst of the magnificent piney woods that surround my old stomping ground?  It must be like that old quote “If a tree fell in the forest, but there was no one around to hear it, would it make a sound?”  Even though, we all know it would indeed make a sound, it just goes unnoticed.  That is exactly what has happened to the wealth of creativity found in Claiborne Parish – it has remained unnoticed.  This is probably due to the hectic lifestyles we all lead today.  We simply do not have the time to look around and see what is literally right in our own backyards.  It is my desire through this website, not only, to open my own eyes to the abundance of creative activities found within this small, rural community, but to open the eyes of others that may be interested in unveiling the hidden arts that are found around us, but up until this time have remained hidden in plain sight.