Monday, October 15, 2012

The Creative Class

     I just recently was introduced to the writings of Richard Florida.  It seems this guy has been around for a while, and is famous for initiating us to what is now termed “the creative class.” Florida defines the creative class as anyone who produces new ideas, new technology, and/or new creative content.  By creating such a broad definition, he has succeeded including people across the work spectrum, instead of those found only within the small world of fine arts.  The main difference between those within the creative class and others, seems to be that the creative class gets paid to generate a plan, while the others are paid to carry out the plan. I wonder if there are certain factors that lead certain people to these creative activities in their life? 
      I have to admit I love Florida’s idea of tapping into the creative forces that are found within a community, forming connections with these creative people, and integrating their ideas and resources into the community. This formula seems just the right medicine for rural communities that are hurting due to the recent economic decline... like Claiborne Parish!

Eger, J. (2003). The creative economy: Forging the links between art, culture, commerce, & community. The California institute for smart communities. Retrieved from  

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